
Loss Monitoring To Meet Regulations

TankCheck focuses on a preventative approach to minimise the risk of contamination of soil, and ground and surface waters. The objectives of TankCheck is to to provide a mechanism to ensure early detection of leaks from UPSS.

In line with the UPSS Regulation, TankChecks aim is to promote the adoption of industry best practice in ongoing operation of underground tanks used to store petroleum, both as fuel or as used (waste) oil.


The UPSS Regulation, which commenced on 1 June 2008, may be viewed at www.environment.nsw.gov.au

Daily Measurements

The Daily Inventory Sheet is where you record all dips and meter readings. 

Select the Daily Inventory Sheet by clicking on the 'Daily Measurements' tab at the top of the window.

There are 3 main parts to this screen.

  1. General Information about when the dips and readings occurs (Date and Time), who the reading was entered by, and any day notes about this reading.
  2. Pump Readings - these are where the total meter readings on each pump is entered. The Pump meter readings are used to automatically calculate the difference between the last reading and the current one. This is to allow quick identification of problems, both with the pump and data entry.
  3. Tank Readings - This is where the tank dip and water readings are entered. The dips give an indication of the actual volume of fuel contained in the tank at any point in time.




The Deliveries form is for recording deliveries of fuel made to the site. These records are used in the reconciliation calculations.

Entering data

When the delivery happens, enter the following information for each tank

  1. The dip reading before delivery
  2. The dip reading after delivery
  3. The volume from the delivery docket.

TankCheck™ will calculate the dip delivery volume, so you can verify the docket is correct. After the data is entered, click the 'Add this record to the set' button to add this record to the database.




Tank Charts

This software is only as good as the data entered! Because it does calculations based on days when sales occurred, if you skip data entry for a day when there was output from the tank or enter incorect values, the calculations will be off!

To help identify these problems your records can be presented in charts to easily see the health of your UPSS.


With the recent addition of charts displaying; Dip, Delivery, Sales and unaccounted variances, trouble shooting data entry errors has been made much simpler.

For demonstration purposes, three trouble shooting scenarios are presented below with the support of charts to quickly identify and explain the error;

Dip Error

Using the chart, unaccounted Tank Loss or Gain (Yellow) will indicate problems in the data. In this example where greatest unaccounted gain and loss is, there is a corresponding error in the dip readings to be reviewed.

Double Delivery Error

In this error, there looks to be a double deliery (Green) causing an unaccounted gain in the tank (though hard to see).

Zoom in on an Error

To better inspect the error above, it is possible to Zoom in using the date fields to better see the problem and correct the data in the Daily Measurements page.                 

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A Proactive Approach to UPSS

Approximately 30% of the contaminated sites regulated by the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW)1 under the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (CLM Act) are the result of leaking UPSS.

Contamination from leaking systems can be very expensive to clean up when it goes unchecked for a prolonged period.

A proactive approach to prevent leaks from occurring in the first place is in the interest of both site owners and the general community.

System Requirements




TankCheck™ was developed for use on the Microsoft Windows Operating System.

It does not work on other operating systems including Mac OS and Linux.

It has been fully tested on Windows 7 (32 and 64bit), but should also function on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.